The Claremont Project

Exhausted from and happy to have completed my art work for my exhibition called “Champions” acknowledging International Women’s Day 2017 because an artist has to promote and design that promotion too and curb vanity, modesty and find a path of equilibrium without sinking into questioning any futility and finding the energy to be positive, then The Claremont Project is great in that it provides an opportunity to plunge into a distraction. It offers members walls and themes to get them using art for their own expression. It sets time schedules and so encourages discipline and time-management. You don’t even have to buy art materials: you can go along to the art exhibition preparation workshop, meet great seniors and chat along with coffee and free resources.

It’s a hoot.

I myself have begun my own canvas entitled “Paradise” which is the theme for March’s exhibition. I cannot order any more paint so will have to scour charity shops for a little bit of white and some yellow. Cass Art has a sale on . Ebay is always cheaper. I’d moved house recently and stored some ex-exhibition paintings on canvas in plastic in a shed. Boy, those rains found a way in so three frames were soaked and mouldy. Into the bin. Didn’t hurt. These days artists photograph all their work.

Carne Griffiths is giving generously a free workshop about fluid creating. The man uses tea bags? That’s at Cass Art, Islington but it’ll be first come first served, a bit like Black Friday at Asda and edging forward in a queue with art students or youngsters. Maybe not.

On Thursday next there’s another free workshop using indigo something in printing which Walthamstow’s darling, William Morris loved to use, or more like his workforce used. Sba Shaikh of Mehraj Textiles is also generous giving people a chance to try. Should be adults only as its the Gallery’s Lates evening. We’ll see.

And on IWD another freebie at The Mill E17 printing from a woman’s perspective with Inky Cuttlefish’s director, printer celebrated, Anna Alcock. Inky Cuttlefish, such a name conjuring up images of black ink, fish fins and lines.

Going back to Claremont, there is quite a clique of art- interested bods who have access to tours of curator-led exhibitions especially in Islington, and outwith. Claremont organises art therapy and other therapies alongside art classes at £2 a pop. Hilary Davis of E17 and beyond shares her craft skills there showing sewing techniques and organising reminiscence projects. She’ll feature at East London Radio on Mary Katherine Presents on March 30th. One of the visiting Claremont art therapists is Amanda Whittle who runs CreativiTEA in Waltham Forest on a Saturday once a month. Now that is not therapy although I have seen tears and heard angst there as I munched through my chocolate chunk. Amanda will also make sounds at East London Radio this March as a studio guest of Mary Katherine all part of my art exhibition called what? Champions.

The sun’s out. It’s sweet Saturday. There are three local walks I know about today. I also know it’s c-c-c-cold. Bravo all the seniors I know putting one foot in front of the other.

Teachers Night at William Morris Gallery E17

That was something else: a free evening at the Gallery in all its glory for teachers and those imparting knowledge. I’d been to cultural evenings before following the refurbishment of the magnificent old house and am used to the old now brilliant white staircase up to the top and the once squeaky floorboards. Imagine the maids in days of yore; up and down fetching and carrying for ole Bill and his ilk.

The main temporary exhibition is ….wait for it…..awesome. I loved it. I saw creams and browns, witches and spiders. Kinda topical!

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There were free demonstrations for the attending teachers all about textiles and prints and weaving and block printing and there was free wine with nuts.

So many people I know in Leyton have no idea where is William Morris Gallery, let alone the Village.

The moon was high and nigh on full. It was good to see the viewing gallery from the outside in the dark and to get a show from the coloured lights inside.

Coming soon….

